Thursday, September 25, 2014

Reflection and Blogging - a perfect marriage - Week 2

This week in class we looked at the use of blogging as an online assessment - and thus the birth of this blog! My first inclination was to say - that won't work for me and my students. We read an article by Luehmann and MacBride about how two high school teachers were using classroom blogs.  I realized that some of what they were using the blogs for: sharing resources and developing a classroom community, I was accomplishing using my classroom's Google plus community page.  (I linked my parent community page to the right!)  Some of the teachers' additional uses for their blogs (responding to teacher prompts, engaging in online conversation, and student sharing what they learned before a test) I was excited about, but they for the most part could also be accomplished on our community page.  If fact, I was so excited about the later that I immediately posted a similar prompt on my page.

The one aspect that I did not feel could be accomplished with our community page was true reflection, where students honestly thought about their own learning process, during and after a unit. This would likely be more private (not typically a blog use) so students could speak of weaknesses without sharing with their classmates.  This type of reflection is also a key to students ownership of their own learning.  Students would reflect on the process, content, and method of their learning. (from Mr. Thayers blog on reflection).  I will have the students record their reflection in their own blogs and share with me.  I will keep you "posted" on how that goes!

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